Mindfully Using Social Media

Breathe, Mindful Social Media Use

If you’re like many people in this world, social media is a part of your daily routine and life. You may wake up, go to the bathroom, and check your favorite sites—almost as if it’s a reflex. You also may be the person who says, “Enough is enough, I’m taking a break from social media.” And you may even make the announcement so that your friends, strangers, and influencers are alerted to this change. This got me thinking about how we can engage with social media in a way that benefits us without letting it take hold of our mental health and well-being. Here’s my take on how we can use social media to our benefit—rather than simply filling the void between shows, at a stoplight, or while scrolling ourselves to sleep.

  1. Slow Down

As I mentioned above, social media has become a true reflex for many of us. What if we slowed down and took a deep breath before we opened the app? Something I’ve suggested in the past is that when we come across a post and aren’t sure how it’s affecting us, we pause the video, put the phone down, take a deep breath, and notice the thoughts or body sensations that arise.

2. Know Your Triggers

There is a lot of noise on the internet, and for all of us, different topics, pictures, and headlines may excite us but also trigger us. Now, when I say trigger, I recognize this is an overused term. So when I use the word, my intention is for each of us to look inward to understand the level of intensity that would equate to a trigger—something that sends us into an unregulated state because of our history or circumstance.

When we find ourselves on a social media site, what may cause us to have big feelings and then turn to other sites for a dopamine hit to fix it? For some, it might be topics related to sexuality, politics, or even an Instagram ad for something we can’t afford—triggering feelings of inadequacy.

If we can identify our triggers or hot spots that lead us to feel upset, depressed, or anxious, we can make more informed decisions when we inevitably land on these sites. Maybe with this knowledge, we can actively choose what to do when we see this pop up on our screens.

3. Identify Timeframes

A goody and timeless (pun intended) option! Sometimes the simplest solution is the one we need. A friendly reminder that we can support our well-being by simply identifying how much time we are willing to put into an activity. Nowadays, our phones even allow us to set time limits on specific apps. And yes, even as an adult, we can put these on our phones; they aren’t just for teen screen time settings.

4. Know Why I’m Here

Similar to identifying triggers, what if we clarified why we’re opening social media? “I just need a brain break,” “I just need to zone out,” “I want to find that [specific item] I was looking for.” I am definitely guilty of leaning into the algorithms. You can ask my closest friends, as I’ve said, “Oh, I’m going to hover over that ad so it gives me more options.” But here’s the thing—if we know why we’re visiting these sites, we have more power over our engagement, rather than letting them control us.

This can also lead to holding ourselves accountable or knowing when we need some outside reinforcement. If you’re a parent, you know this point very well!

So, the next time you start scrolling, consider these points to help you stay connected—not just to social media, but more importantly, to yourself and your mental well-being.